SLA Rockets.........

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My favorite song

My Favorite Song

My favorite song


K 0 U R t

my video
song title-i know

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Today we talked about the salary of NBA players and if it was fair or not that they earned 58% of the earnings we divided %s and learned if it was fair or not whats your opinion?
Classwork on the 19th
* Assignment Classwork and Homework (2-19-08) Tuesday
* Journal Basketball and Percents (2-19-08) Tuesday
* Journal What assignments do you have?
DON’T FORGET we got progress reports today make sure too get them from Mr. Rochester they need too be turned in with parent signature INTERIM REPORTS IN 2 WEEKS NOTEBOOK CHECK TOMMORW HAVE EVRYTHING READY TOO BE CHECKED

Problem Help. For Basket ball and percents

There were debates about what %was fair we divided percents among players
15 man teams 30 teams money earned last year 3.6 billion (3,600,000,000)

Question 5 help
Cast in 2007=455 million role 20% from last year
In 2007 they were 455,000,000

When finding percents try this process if your stuck

say the number is 200,000,000 and you need 58% of that try dividing 200,000,000 by 100 2,000,000=1%

since that’s 1% multiply that by 58 and you will have 58%

this should help when you are figuring out percents for the questions

good luck with figuring out the questions that was the class work for today
make sure you don’t forget too do the rest of the work we have too fill out the journal blog Journal What assignments do you have?
Bring reports with parent signatures and email address
Work on ratios test

And get ready for the notebook check tomorrow make sure your work is turned in?

Tomorrow’s scribe is Perry Woods!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Late Scribe Post for Weds February 6

On Wednesday we didn't really have class instead we had a debate. The debate was on the "grading policy" and how Mr. Rochester should run the class. Mostly Chris C., Kelly and Mr. Rochester did the debating with a few other students. We didn't get to get around to the class work but Mr. Rochester gave us the paper to do for hw.